Configuring Alternate DNS Server

Although this name server receives its namespace information from a master
Name server, this Name server type can answer queries for which it has authority. Used for load balancing and redundancy.

Prerequisite for Alternate DNS Server (SDNS)
Ø  Yum process.
Ø  IP setting with PDNS Address.
Ø  Hostname set.
Ø  IP tables Flash.
Ø  Hosts profile update and PDNS Profile entry.
Ø  Primary DNS servers host files - SDNS Profiles entry.
Ø  Primary DNS server’s resolv.conf files - SDNS IP entry.
Ø  Checking PDNS with ping domain name

Setting up BIND
Step-1.1:  Install the required packages for BIND:
               # yum □ install □ bind*

 Step-1.2:   Verify that packages have been installed.
              # rpm □ –qa □ bind*
Setting up CACHING
Step-2.1:  Install the required package for CACHING.
                # yum □ install □ caching*

Step-2.2:   Verify that packages have been installed.
                # rpm □ -qa □ caching*

Note:  There are also a handful of configure files:
            [ This file contain resolve information ]
            [This file contain name server caching information]
[This file contain forward lookup zone and reveres lookup zone files.]

Step-3: Edit resolv.conf file for set name space and name server IP.
            # vi □ /etc/resolv.conf

Step-4:  Edit named.rfc1912.zones file for declare Zone file and Domain name.
# vi □ /etc/named.rfc1912.zones

 Step-5:   Open named.caching-nameserver.conf file for declare Access Control List (ACL).
            # vi □ /etc/named.caching-nameserver.conf

Step-6: Enable the service to start during boot:
               # chkconfig □ named □ on
               # ntsysv

Step-7: Restart named service for DNS with Firewall and SELinux.
# service □ network □ restart
            # service □ portmap □ restart
            # iptables □ –F
            # service □ iptables □ save
            # service □ named □ restart

Step-8: Verify that the Alternate Name Server…
             # ls □ /var/named/chroot/var/named/slaves 
[If SDNS is okay then two new file the slave’s directory]
# dig □ -x □                                                                 [ SDNS IP Address]
            # dig □                                                                         [Domain name]
            # host □                                                                       [Domain name]
            # ping □

[The End Alternate Domain Name Server Configure]

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